To Wailea
Call Royal Taxi (808) 874-6900 for your best shuttle taxi ride from Hotel Wailea  to Kahului Airport, Harbors and beyond.
Call Royal Taxi (808) 874-6900 for your best shuttle taxi ride to Kahului Airport from Grand Wailea, Four Seasons, Andaz, Marriott Wailea, Hotel Wailea, Day's Inn, Maui Coast and etc.
To Wailea
To Wailea

To Wailea

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up to 6 pax with baggage per van (capacity is 7 pax without luggage)

Book your Ride from OGG with the #1 Airport Taxi Maui

Step off your flight at Kahului Airport and let Royal Taxi handle the rest – we’re the #1 airport taxi Maui for a reason!

Our dispatcher or your assigned driver will get in touch with you when you land and it will be direct pick up from bus stop #3, in the middle island outside of the baggage claim area. If you have small children, just let us know when you reserve your car, and we’ll come with complimentary car and booster seats.

Call/Text Royal Taxi 24-hours a day, 7 days a week to book your ride from OGG, and you can be rest assured we’ll provide our best service each time. Our rates are reasonable – we charge one rate for up to 7 guests or 6 guests with up to 6 bags and carry-ons, and unlike many other Maui airport taxis, we don’t charge extra for luggage – and we take all major credit cards, including PayPal, or cash as your payment method.

Reserve your Maui airport taxi online now or call us at 808-874-6900 to book your ride.

5 Curious Facts About Maui and Hawaii from Royal Taxi

Voted the best island in the U.S. for the 23rd year in a row by Condé Nast Traveler, there’s no doubt Maui is a magical place full of beauty, mystery, and adventure, and as the best airport taxi Maui, we’re here to help you learn about the island. Check out our guide to 5 facts about Maui and Hawaii and let us help welcome you to paradise!

  1. The island is named after a demi-God. Legend has it that the Polynesian demi-god Maui is the tropical island’s namesake. As the story goes, “Maui” took his massive fishhook and pulled all of the Hawaiian Islands out of the ocean, lifted the sky, and caught the sun on Haleakala, the famous volcano on the south-east part of the island and the largest dormant volcano in the world.
  2. The island (and the entire state of Hawaii) has its own time zone. When you’re on the island, you’ll be on “Maui Time,” or Hawaiian-Aleutian Time, aka “HST,” a time zone unique to the state of Hawaii. Since Hawaii doesn’t follow “daylight savings time,” it runs 2 hours behind the West coast and 5 hours behind the East coast normally, and 3 and 6 hours behind the West and East coasts, respectively, when the rest of the United States (minus Arizona) “springs forward” each year.
  3. “Aloha” is more than a greeting - it’s actually state law. Many think of “Aloha” as a simple Hawaiian greeting and nothing more than a popular way to say “hello” and “goodbye.” This couldn’t be further from the truth! The roots of the word “Aloha” run deep, and its meaning is complex. While the word itself can be translated to mean “love, kindness, compassion, or grace,” the Aloha spirit is a gift given to the Hawaiians by the natives. The meaning is so embedded in Hawaiian culture, the requirement to live with the “Aloha spirit” is actually written in Hawaii state law, and requests that state officials practice with kindness, generosity, and care for all living beings.
  4. There are no billboards on the island. A deep respect for the “aina” or land is another cornerstone of Hawaiian culture, and lucky for you, this has translated into a statewide ban on billboards. As one of the first states to institute the ban back in the 1920s, Hawaii’s devotion to the natural beauty and abundance of the land is clear when you cruise across the island and notice the strange yet welcome absence of those pesky, towering advertisements. Now visitors can take in the beauty of the island in peace!
  5.  “Pidgin” is one of Hawaii’s official languages. Until recently, Hawaii listed English and Hawaiian as its two official state languages, making it the only state with more than one, but in 2015, “Hawaiian Pidgin” was added to the list. Defined as a form of communicating that organically develops between groups who do not share a common tongue, a “pidgin” language is a simplified mix of different primary languages and can develop anywhere. The fact that “Hawaiian Pidgin” was made an official language of the state shows what a melting pot the islands truly are.

We hope you enjoyed these fun facts about Maui and Hawaii.

If you’re ready to book your Maui airport taxi, simply order above or call us 24 hours a day at 808-874-6900.